Changes to personal details

Tax rate changes

Read about tax rate changes on the page: Taxation of pensions

Changes of address

Changes of address are reported to us automatically by the Digital and population data services agency if you make an official change of address notification to Posti ( In this case you need not give us separate notification of your change of address.

You can also report a change of address to Keva via email at elakkeenmaksu[at] or call customer advisory services.

If you are permanently resident abroad, you must report your address to Keva each year. This applies even if your address is the same as the previous year. Proof of residence for persons living abroad

Change in bank account

The online service My Pension is a convenient way of making changes to your personal details, for example your bank account number. Unfortunately we cannot accept any such changes over the telephone or by email.

If you wish to change the bank account into which your pension is paid, you can report the new account number to us:

  • in the online service My Pension (available in Finnish and in Swedish)
  • via your bank: the bank will mail the new details to Keva under power of attorney

You can also inform us by letter sent to:

FI-00087 KEVA

No formal requirements apply but the letter must contain the following information:

  • your name
  • your personal identity code
  • the new account number (international IBAN account number and BIC code if you would like your pension to be paid into a foreign bank account)
  • the exact name of the bank (and address if your pension is paid to a country outside of the EU/EEA)
  • your signature.

Watch out for potential scam messages

Keva will never ask for or receive your account number by telephone, email, or text message.

Never give your bank codes or passwords to anyone, and do not give a power of attorney or bank account information by text message or email.