
Keva’s work with responsibility are part of Keva’s strategic goals.  Keva’s Board of Directors mostly uses the same indicators to monitor the implementation of the strategy and responsibility.

Responsibility principles

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We take good care of our customers

We ensure pension funding for future genarations

We are an innovative and healthy work community

We work thoroughly and efficiently

We take responsibility for the environment and society








Responsibility is implemented as part of Keva’s strategy. This is taken into account as part of the normal annual planning and implementation of operations.

Keva’s responsibility group, which consists of representatives from a wide range of functions, prepared the responsibility principles, which outline the beliefs and guiding principles related to responsibility that are most relevant to Keva’s duties. The Board of Directors adopted Keva’s responsibility principles on 13 December 2023. In terms of investment operations, the Board of Directors adopted the responsible investment beliefs separately in 2017.

Reporting brings visibility

Keva openly tells about its goals and operations both within Keva and to external stakeholders.

The report broadly complies with the indicators in accordance with Global Initiative Reporting (GRI) guidelines.