We are an innovative, responsible and healthy work community

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Trust, fairness and appreciation of diversity are at the heart of our work community.

We create opportunities to develop, learn new things and advance in careers.

As working life changes, we identify business needs, which guide the development of competence and abilities.

We promote equality, non-discrimination and a more diverse working life.

We take care of work ability. We do not tolerate inappropriate behaviour.

Strategic goals guide human resource management

Keva adopted the new strategy in June 2022. Our goals and indicators are aimed at 2027, by when our vision is that we will be an innovative, service-minded and effective actor.

We are constantly building on our competence, our work will include more development tasks and efforts will be made to automate routine work. Work will require self-development and a focus on the customer approach.

In 2019, Keva’s Board of Directors set so-called frameworks for full-time equivalent years for the following three years. Under the frameworks, the number of Keva employees will decline through natural attrition. We predict that automation will reduce the amount of routine work and jobs. At the same time, support will be given to relocating Keva people within the organisation to new tasks that require new skillsets

Basic information about Keva employees

  • Number of employees on 31 December 2023 was 502 (2022:
    492), of which 22 were temporary.
  • Full-time equivalent person years in 2023 was 475.7 (2022:
  • Women accounted for 65.4% of Keva employees. The average
    age of the personnel was 49.2 years.
  • A total of 18 permanent employees left Keva and 19
    permanent employees were hired.
  • A total of 30 temporary employees, some of which were
    summer employees, were hired during the year.
  • A total of 1,969 days were spent on personnel training, which
    equated to 3.9 fte/person. The statistical amount of training
    days has increased (2022: 1,379 full-time equivalent days and
    2.8 fte/person)

Fair and equal treatment of the personnel

Each and every Keva employee, irrespective of their role and position, is entitled to good, respectful and dignified treatment from their supervisors, subordinates and colleagues. This and other general principles are enshrined in Keva Code of Conduct

We regularly monitor the implementation of equality and non-discrimination in employee surveys and equality reports.

Aiming for a fair reward system

Keva employees have salaries based on collective agreements and in 2019 we completed job descriptions, job demand evaluation and the interrelation of levels based on the HAY Group’s (now Korn Ferry) scoring method.

Job evaluation and scoring aim to create a more transparent and fairer remuneration system, and evaluation is used when jobs change and in the allocation of various salary system funds. Keva has not made a decision to link pay to the HAY job evaluation. Development of the remuneration system will take place in coming years.

Bonus payments are based on reaching targets set by the Board of Directors. In 2018, Keva carried out a bonus reform aimed at making performance assessment and associated remuneration more consistent and transparent. 

A performance bonus performance bonus scheme covers all Keva’s employees in 2023.


Equality and non-discrimination

Keva’s equality and non-discrimination plan was overhauled in 2022. Keva’s current equality and non-discrimination plan is for the period 2023–2024.

Keva promotes the equal treatment of different ages and looking ahead will pay more attention also to other factors including different nationalities, languages, religions, beliefs, opinions, disabilities and sexual orientation to promote diversity. Equality and non-discrimination are also important in recruiting processes among other things.

Clear pay differences

65% of Keva’s employees are women. At year-end 2023, there were three women, including an employee representative, and six men in the Management Group.

In practice, there is no gap in median pay between genders when the differences are examined by demand level. In some demand levels, the difference is in favour of women and in others in favour of men. Examined by job category, women’s median pay was 99.9% of men’s median pay.

An examination of Keva as a whole shows that men’s median monthly salary was EUR 5,632 and women’s EUR 4,459. The difference is due to the fact that there are clearly more women than men in the lower job demand levels and the gender distribution in the higher demand levels is slightly male-dominated.

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Sickness absences 

In 2023, Keva employees were off sick for an average of 5.3 (2022: 6.6) working days.


Strategy work and development of the corporate culture

Keva’s strategy was updated in spring 2022. The strategy highlighted more than earlier responsibility for the personnel.

Employee experience and wellbeing are significant strategic themes. The strategy also highlights learning and the right skills as guarantors of success. The amount of human resources is being reduced during the strategy period through orderly attrition while ensuring the transfer of skills.

During the 2022–2027 strategy period, particular attention will be given to promoting diversity. At Keva, we are committed together at all levels to zero tolerance of inappropriate behaviour and harassment. During the period, the cornerstones of management and expert work will be imported into part of everyday working life.

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